Friday, December 19, 2008

Operation 23: Day 19

So, I'm lying here watching Music and Lyrics. Not Oscar winning, but I like it! I also went down to my building's store and got some movie SweetTarts. They just started to taste like I'm eating pure sugar, so I still have many left. Anyway, I realized that my time is due for work on a day that I'm off, so I'll be figuring it out this weekend. I'll also be packing and cleaning. Jealous yet?

I so need a break. My mind is gone. . .just gone. . .I'm kind of on auto-pilot and going through the motions. I could also quite possibly need sleep, since I passed out on my bed at 10:30 last night.

Ok, I swear Drew Barrymore's hair just went from blonde to red in the movie. Weird.

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