Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Operation 23: Day 9

How are we still in single-digit days on this operation? my oh my.

Had Holiday Party #3 last night. It was a function for advertising professionals who belong to a variety of different ad/mktg orgs at Rockit. Rockit is a bar downtown where if somebody famous is in town, odds are they are hanging out there. swank. Took some clients and there was actually substantial food (a carvery! yay!), and I didn't eat anything fried.

Work is calming down a little bit, which is nice. . .and it's also nice not to have any more work holiday parties for the rest of the week.

Ended up catching up with a couple of former coworkers at the event, and met the person who took over one of my accounts. Poor thing! I decided to schlep over to catch a bus (I just don't trust cab drivers in icy/slushy weather) and waited for about 10 minutes in a blizzard, and then the bus was full. At 9:30pm the bus was packed!! Some dude scooted by me (presumably to get off the bus), and then I see him seated in the back! It was all I could do not to march back there and go "Seriously? Are you serious? You knocked over a dozen people so YOU could sit DOWN?" But then he'd probably give me some story about how his leg hurt because a car hit it as he helped an elderly lady down the street, but he's ok with it, because at least it was him getting hurt and not her. Or everybody would look at me like I'm a crazy bitch with some major issues. Or. . .both.

Ended up getting home around 10. Watched last week's Top Chef and went to bed. sigh.

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