Sunday, December 14, 2008

Operation 23: Day 13

Got to sleep in, which is always well-needed. Decided to be lazy and watch tv most of the day. I can't even tell you what I watched. . .I believe What Not to Wear was involved. Oh! And lots of my Office DVD extras.

Went to Shawn's Holiday Party (that's party #4 for those of you keeping score at home). Due to the antibiotics I'm on for my sinus infection, I'm not supposed to drink. It was a complete shame because they had gourmet jello shots that I hear were really good. I ended up getting a horrible migraine and having to leave early. Only with a migraine, does your head pound, you feel like puking, and you can't even have the pleasure of watching tv.

Also, how creepy is Joel Osteen? He's on Larry King Live right now and is creeping the crap out of me. Too much crooked smiling. I bet the Duggars love him.

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