Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Operation 23: Day 3

Today began the Calamari Trail. . . the onslaught of work-related holiday parties, lunches, etc. We threw a holiday party for a client at a restaurant out in the 'burbs, which meant leaving at 3. I ended up leaving late for work, as I had to put on my party outfit in the morning (waste 2 outfits on a work day? I think not!), and throw my snow boots over tights. I couldn't find my flat (read: comfy!) shoes, so I grabbed a pair of 4-inch heels and ran out to catch the bus. Got the express bus, which means I stand and try not to smash the people seated near me in the head with my bag filled with makeup, shoes, presentations (oops! forgot to bring them back to work after the last meeting!), and other items.

Also, you know those "Caution: Falling Ice" signs below high-rises? They scare the crap out of me. Every time my thought process goes like this:

-Hmm. . ."Caution Falling Ice"
-Is any falling now?
(look up)
-Oh, I shouldn't have done that, it could have hit me in the face.
-Shit. . .I should probably get inside.
-I wish they made helmets for pedestrians
-Would those look stupid?
-No stupider than getting knocked out by falling ice.

I got to work and realized that I didn't bring comfy shoes to wear around the office, so I had to wear my boots. Argh. Drove with the coworkers around 3 out to the restaurant (after miraculously getting my work done - when does that happen?), and got stuck in some crappy weather.

So. . .the party. #1 - the food was mostly shrimp and should-be-hot food that was mostly cold. Boo. I set a 2 glasses of wine limit for myself at these things and felt kinda drunk, which meant that I way didn't eat enough (and I even had my contingency granola bar before I left the office). Met a whole bunch of people, including another improviser. Yay! They also brought out more pizza. . .thank goodness! I somehow convinced myself that switching from Diet Coke to regular Coke would fill me up, but um. . .that was dumb. I have no intention to become either drunkorexic or appetizorexic. I need meals! My coworker ended up getting hit on by a much older man, but handled it like a champ. But still. . .ick! Got home around 11:20. . .so basically a 6 hour day in the office and a 6 hour party afterwards.

(side note: Watching Jon and Kate Plus 8 right now, and they're watching a movie and lots of the kids are crying. precious. uh. notsomuch)

So tired. . .need to upload the pics to FB. 20 more days!

Um, also apparently John Krasinski is dating Emily Blunt (have I mentioned this yet?). Tear. At least I have my own Johnny K right now.

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