Friday, December 5, 2008

Operation 23: Day 4

Oh my gosh y'all. . .I'm tired. Got home around midnight from some post-work drinks with former coworkers. I miss them lots.

Was a little late to work today. . .oh wells. Work today was ok, but my coworker basically threatened that I wouldn't be able to go to the holiday party if he didn't approve of a presentation that we have to give on Monday. He decides to bring this up around 5pm. Oh, and he neglected to mention that it needed his approval. . oh. . .ever? So I'm mad and just say "I'm going bowling. This deck will get done". So he says "Maybe you should check with your boss." So I not only check with my boss, but I check with 2nd in command at my company. Dude, don't f- with me. If you're going to be an asshole, I'll make sure everybody damn well knows about it.

Anyway, Carrie and I headed out to John's bday drinks thing in Ukie Village, see Jennifer, eat lots of tater tots, tell lots of stories. Melissa shows up and we tell more stories (including one about some people with a pet raccoon!) and we head home. I leave my winter hat in John's car. Doh!

Ok, need sleep. Realized I have to get up early both Saturday and Sunday. blarf.

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