Sunday, December 7, 2008

Operation 23: Day 5

Got a couple days behind. . .so let me catch up!

Work on Friday was notsogood. I think the lack of sleep and general weariness finally got to me and I reacted to something in a way that's incredibly a-typical of me in any situation. And that's all I'll say about that. And no, nobody got hurt. :)

We got to leave around 2:30 to head to our Holiday Party, which was at 10 Pin (upscale bowling alley). We played some practice rounds, then played for points and I did not do well at all! I think I practiced too much, so by the time it counted, my wrists were pretty sore. Luckily my team was filled with a bunch of ringers, so we had the highest score of all the lanes (ok, there were only 4. . .but still. . .). Then we did trick bowling, which was AWESOME! Below is a list of what we had to do and how I was at it:

Under the person's legs who bowls after you (good!)
Backwards through you're own legs (horrible!)
Eyes closed (good!)
On your knees (good!)
Opposite hand (good!)
1-footed (horrible!)
Kicking (horrible!)

Fun fun! We then went to Harry Caray's where we saw the bartender film his Comcast segment. Afterwards, everybody applauds and they ring a bell, and he does a little bow. Cute.

Bowed out after a drink (that I actually left on the bar) and headed home on the bus - saw one of those new heated bus stops. They're ok. . .not as warm as I thought. Got home around 7pm and fell asleep at 8, waking up around 12:30am. I was mad because I was supposed to meet up with a friend who is visiting from out of town, but I think the week just caught up with me. argh.

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