Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Operation 23: Day 2

Day dos. Raging headache right now. Argh.

If you recall yesterday, I left without finishing my hours. Well, I had an email this morning from accounting, then a post-it at lunch, then a call from my boss. I'm never late with my hours, so I'm not used to the barrage of "reminders". . .but wow. And. . .I did get them finished today.

So today. . .after talking to some coworkers, I realized that with Holiday Party #1 happening tomorrow, I needed to get something to wear with the skirt I bought for it. Ran to Ann Taylor LOFT during lunch, tried on like 800 things and ended up getting a ruffle shirt (which, when paired with my ruffle skirt, makes me look like a layer cake. . .so clearly didn't buy it for tomorrow), and a thing to throw over shirts that aren't work-appropriate.

(side note: Watching Biggest Loser and I swear every week, Heba finds a reason to say "I'm the heaviest woman here." Argh. Get over it!)

Today at work, had lots going on, but it wasn't quite as crazy. I also found out that with a coworker coming back from maternity leave, I may be able to take a day off next week after all. Yay!! Ate wayyy too much sugar (seriously? MORE Halloween candy? Nooo!!!). Made me more unproductive than I like to be toward the end of the day.

Had to run to the grocery store post-work to pick up milk and some ingredients for these amazing brownies I make once a year (mom's recipe). Amazingly, I left these things off my Peapod list. grr. Managed to get home around quarter of 7.

Tomorrow, our party is appetizers, so I'm trying to figure out how to strategically eat, so I don't come home starved! I'm thinking some granola bars are in order.

So anyway, get to leave work at 3 tomorrow to go to the party, but that means cramming lots of work into a short day. We'll see how it goes. . .another big deliverable due tomorrow.

Can't find my December InStyle either. . .it's my nighttime reading! How will I make it through Operation 23 without it?!

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