Monday, December 15, 2008

Operation 23: Day 15

Brrrr. I'm laying in bed in my comforter and my feet are freezing! The heater doesn't reach my room, so I have to sleep with my door open in the winter. Boo.

Today flew by. . .which could be good and bad. I have a ton to do, and it feels like I have no time to accomplish everything. The downside to all this holiday merriment is that it takes hours out of my work day when we leave early to go to parties, or have holiday lunches. . .or whatnot. Today was holiday party #5 - the account team outing. We left around 4 (or 4:15 if you're me) and headed to Elephant and Castle for some appetizers and drinks (or Coke if you're me again, thanks to my loverly sinus infectch). Typically our account team outings are:

1) long
B) way out of hand

This one only lasted 2 hours and was pretty tame. Fun fact: They don't do slumber parties in England! I learned that tonight.

Got my new knee-length down coat. . .just in time! Stupid deep freeze. It also has a hood. So crucial. What's worse than 5-degree weather? 5-degree weather and Chicago winds off the lake. If you've never felt your sinuses freeze, it's quite the experience. Thank goodness I'll get to be in balmy, tropical Cleveland soon. . .where it's actually warm enough to snow!

Have holiday party #6 tomorrow. Until then. . .

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