Monday, September 22, 2008

Worst Week - New Show Review!

Are you tired from all the liveblogging last night? I know I am. Well, back to learning about who may (but probably won't) be at the Emmy's next year.

Show: Worst Week
Network: CBS
Day/Time: Monday, 8:30pm (CST)
Type: Comedy. . .?
Episode Watched: Pilot
Setting: A suburb somewhere?

The show opens and we learn that the typical schmo guy is dating a pretty hot chick. Oh, and she's preggers! And whoops! He leaves a sarcastic message on their machine about her parents that they almost hear. Phew! That would have been bad if they heard!

Oh, and they have to go the parents' house and oh no! Sam (that's the guy) is late AND ends up naked (loooong story). Anyway, without regurgitating every slapstick plotline from 70's sitcoms, I can tell you slapstick abounds. Lots of it. And yeah, this guy is having a very bad week. Perhaps even his Worst Week (title alert!)

I could some people digging this show, but it's definitely not for me. Much better than Do Not Disturb though. I don't hate myself after watching it.

Best scene: Lights go out, Sam tries to find the bathroom, ends up peeing on the goose and is caught when the lights come on.
Pickle: This show is a jar of ‘em. The main one is he is making an irrevocably bad impression on the parents the night he’s supposed to tell them he’s marrying their daughter.
Sassy Gay Man: no. not even a non-sassy gay man.
Sassy Black Woman: nope. no one remotely not white.
You’ll like this if you miss: Dharma and Greg. . .I think. Never watched it.
Underpants shot: Naked shower shot!
Product placement: Nope!
Times I laughed: 0
End Credits: Previews for other shows
Added to schedule?: Nope. Still looking for something to watch on Mondays.
Oh my gosh! Isn't that: Red from That 70’s Show? Aaahhhh! And Aziz Ansari in a cameo!

yes. yes it is.


todayistheday said...

Finally, one that I've also seen! I also wasn't crazy about this one, but for a different reason.

First of all, it felt like Meet the Parents: The Series. The problem with that is that it only works part of the time.

There are times when the central character is a victim of circumstance and times when the show abandons all reality to further the plot.

Your favorite part - peeing in the kitchen - was my least favorite. That's when it jumped the shark for me. I did like the recurring "death" plot. Laughed out loud at that.

Far from appointment viewing for me, but I might check out another one to see how it holds up.

Maureen Winston said...

Let me just clarify. . .I didn't think the peeing in the kitchen was funny. . .I just thought it was better than the rest of the stuff that happened. Although, the death scenes were at least somewhat creative. Oh, and I loves me some potty humor. That has a lot to do with it. hehe.

Anyway, I can't wait to see what will premiere in that time slot in the spring!