Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Mentalist - New Show Review!

Show: The Mentalist
Network: CBS
Day/Time: Tuesday, 8pm (CST)
Type: Draaaammmaaaa
Episode Watched: Pilot
Setting: Los Angeles

As a huge Big Brother fan (I have to eat veggies to gain back some brain cells. . .), I've seen many a "The Mentalist" commercial. Almost all of the cool coups were shown in the promos, but there were some surprises. Basically, Simon Baker plays a detective who works for the LAPD (home of Joe Friday) and is more observant than everyone else around him. He gets himself into some pickles. . .gun-filled pickles, but pickles nonetheless. And wouldn't you know. . .nobody kills him! That's a good thing because then there wouldn't be a show anymore. It's kind of cool to see what he notices that in some cases even I didn't notice while looking for the catch (and surfing Facebook while watching). It's a pretty engaging show, and from what I can tell, you can probably tune into almost any episode and won't be behind.

The overarching plot is that the "Red Face Killer" has killed around 12 people (including Simon Baker's character's wife and child) and is still on the loose. . .now with copycats. Anyway, it was pretty enjoyable!

Best scene: Simon Baker as a John Edward type guy prior to working for LAPD. Haha.
You’ll like this if you watch: Psych. . .or so I've heard
Underpants shot: Nope
Product placement: Serenity Tea. Mmm. Calming.
Added to schedule?: Maybe. . .but Tuesday is already pretty full. I’d definitely watch reruns though.
Oh my gosh! Isn't that: Rex from DH? Sadly killed off here too. tear.

yes. yes it is.

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