Sunday, September 21, 2008

Emmy - Directing and Writing a Miniseries or Movie

Stewart and Colbert are out! Yay!

Who knew eating prunes could be so funny? And he's making the connection to McCain. . .awesome.

Didn't vote on this one. . .and since it's in the Miniseries category, I find it boring. Don't watch many of those. (note to self: watch more miniseries)

Recount just won. Music. . .getting louder. . .another plea to vote.

And writing. . .also dind't vote on this one.

John Adams wins!

Writer just called his wife his Abigail Adams. He just said "Here's to a time where our leaders were able to articulate complex thoughts in complete sentences." And. . .cut directly to commercial. ABC. . .notsofor the political commentary. Don't want to alienate that conservative Extreme Makeover: Home Edition audience, I see.

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