Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RN. . .see??

Is anybody else watching the RNC? It's like every creaky old white man shouting "Liberal!" giving speeches about how the Democrats in Congress have messed up America. No, actually that was your President. They talk about how Obama doesn't have a lot of experience. Really? Because that didn't bother you when you were pushing Bush on us. argh. It's infuriating. Also infuriating? The word maverick. This is not Cowboys and Indians. This is who is gonna run our country.

Ok, side note: Saw a sign on a hat that said "Liberals, pick on someone your own age!" Awesome.

It's just amazing to me that there are people who are paying $4.50/gallon for gas. People who are seeing their food costs increase. People who can't afford to see their doctor. People who are seeing their sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and friends killed in Iraq. And they think the biggest threat to their well being are women they don't know having abortions and gay men they don't know getting married.

Side note 2: Joe Lieberman (and I said this in 2000 when he spoke at the DNC) sounds like Stinky, Stimpy's fart that becomes his son and lives in his nose (on Ren & Stimpy).

"9/11 was a great natural disaster."

Oh, and Joe, stop calling yourself a Democrat. You're not.

I just want to know why the Republican party thinks they deserve another 4 years. What have they possibly done to earn that? You've lied to us. A lot. A whole lot.

And why do I like Barack? Well. . .for starters, he's smart. . .and wouldn't that be a welcome change? But beyond that, he believes in unity. In repairing our reputation across the world, our economy. He also believes in investing in alternative energy. Trust me, we need to.

Oh hold on, Joe is speaking directly to me. He's telling me it's no ordinary election. . .ok. . .McCain isn't ordinary. . .ok. . .I may not agree on every issue. . .true. . .I can count on him to do what he thinks is right. . .hmm. . .but if I don't agree with him, then why would I trust his judgement? Oh, I can't talk back to him. damn.

Anyway, whomever you vote for (while of course, I hope you vote my way, but the nation wasn't founded on me strongarming people to vote for my candidate), I would just ask that you research the issues. Learn about how our country is run, and where you want to see it go. Then look at the candidates and figure out who is going to get us there.

Then picture McCain having a heart attack, Palin being President, and wire hanger sales skyrocketing.

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