Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fringe - New Show Review!

Finally! The first of my "reviews". Hope you'll enjoy. If you also watched it and have something to add, comment away!

Show: Fringe
Network: Fox
Day/Time: Tuesday, 7pm (CST) (although will be on at 8 from now on)
Type: Dramaaaaa
Episode Watched: Pilot
Setting: Boston

We open on a plane going through turbulence. I think that it may be the only way JJ Abrams knows how to open a show, given that Lost started pretty much the same way. What About Brian. . .probably didn't start on a plane. I watched it, but don't remember. I don't remember much about that show in general. Annnyway, I suspect somebody loves sans serif fonts, because this show is full of 'em. The title screen is very similar to Lost, and they have little headers that let you know where the action is taking place. Helpful! Anyway, the TVs go fubar on the plane and some guy's face melts. The plane auto-lands at Boston Logan airport with no signs of life.

They find some creepy scientist guy (who is Joshua Jackson's character's dad) and he gives the blonde woman ("Olivia") some LSD concoction to get her to go into her melted-faced boyfriend's consciousness to figure out who melted his face. Apparently when going through this process, you can access people's subconsciousness in the hours before they die. When they're on the "Fringe". aww yeah.

I also noticed JJ Abrams' propensity for using former teen stars. Let's review:

Matthew Fox: Party of Five/Lost
Barry Watson: Seventh Heaven/What About Brian
Joshua Jackson: Dawson's Creek/Fringe

I think somebody's a Tiger Beat fan! If only he gets Rider Strong, then I'll feel fulfilled.

We also got "shorter commercial breaks". Seriously, at almost every commercial break they said "Fringe will return in 60 seconds." So. . .not enough advertisers, or a network that really wants to make it succeed?

Ok, let's wrap up:

Best scene: Creepy scientist, Joshua Jackson, and a cow watching Spongebob Squarepants
You’ll like this if you watch: Lost
Underpants shot: Yes
Added to schedule?: No
Oh my gosh! Isn't that: Pacey from Dawson's Creek?

yes. yes it is.

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