Sunday, September 21, 2008

Emmy - Theme Songs

Does the Pizza Hut pasta look kinda of nasty to anyone else? It grosses me out for some reason.

So, found out Jacquee won for 227. And the SNL writers got Wii avatars. Moving on. . .

And, we're back. Heidi, outfit 4.

Josh Groban, singing deep-voiced versions of the Tiny Toons theme (ok, no, but how awesome would that be?).

This is freaking the hell out of me. Hey! There weren't words sung to Andy Griffith when it aired! Shenanigans! This is like a bad cabaret act. The South Park one. . .eesh. oooh! Jeffersons! nice! Baywatch had a theme song? huh. boobies! AAAHHHH!! Brady Bunch!!!!!! Now he's just reinacting Saturday nights at home and what I watch. Fresh Prince, nice. Nice Don Pardo impression. Ed McMahon! Now he can buy his house back from Trump. And can we stop with the Two and a Half Men shoutouts? annd. . .a kickline. ohhh kay. . .

Well, I like TV Theme songs, so I'll allow it.

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