Thursday, January 15, 2009

Request Hotline Now Open

Hi loyal blog readers and commenters.

I want to write things you want to read (minus my post on yogurt. I just really like yogurt and want the world to know!). Soooo, I'm taking requests! Post your comment on any or all of the following and I'll write something just for you. Maybe I'll even name the blog post after you. hott.

1) As Seen on TV 2. Yes, I'm going to comment on the next round of Blue-Screen DRTV ads that you can't get enough of. Think Billy Mays. Let me know if there's one you want included.

2) Liveblogging. I tried it for the Emmys and it was ok. Let me know what event you want me to Liveblog and I'll do it (within reason. I mean, no porn or anything.)

3) TV Review. Any show you want. I'll review it. (note: I don't get HBO or Showtime or anything fancy. . .but I can be talked into paying a dollar to download a show if you feel passionately).

4) Anything else! Want to know my favorite Jello recipe? Improv warm-up? Drawer organizing tactics? Just ask!

Thanks for reading. I love all the comments and love even more that people are actually reading this crazy thing!

Also, as much as I hate to resort to talking about the weather, my widget says it's -10 right now and the Today Show told me this morning that I'll get frostbite if my extremities (including my nose!) are exposed for 1 minute. wtf? Does -10 feel that much different than -30? I say no. It's all motherf-ing cold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to see our jello and yogurt discussions have made it to the blog.

I'm a little faklempt... I'll give you a topic... People who talk loudly on cell phones in public. Discuss.