Tuesday, February 24, 2009


If I had known this number, my team would have won trivia this week. So unfulfilled. The question that number is the answer to will be at the end of this blog. . .

Thanks to everybody who voted in my Lenten poll. . .the winner is. . .Facebook between 9-5. I was rooting for the high fructose corn syrup, because it would have been interesting to see what all it's in that we don't even realize, but I'm cool with the lack of FB. . .it'll probably help me be more productive!

So occasionally, I'll take up these little mini-endeavors. Right now, I've decided to listen to podcasts in the afternoon. The podcasts right now are:

-Coffee Break French (1 lesson a day. . .around 18 minutes)
-Whatever the #1 podcast is that day. . .today it was This American Life

I can do my work with the podcast on in the background, and I figured it would make me more knowledgeable about random stuff. If you have a podcast you particularly enjoy, let me know, and I'll check it out.

For now. . .here's my favorite commercial of the moment (notice an eye flies off):

And the question to the answer: How many episodes of Late Night with Conan O'Brien have there been?

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