Sunday, February 8, 2009


I've noticed a disturbing trend of late. . .and if something is not done, it will take over our nation. . .nay, our world. People are becoming incredible suck ups. I'm not good at it. . .I try not to do it, but those times when I must, it always comes off as disingenuous, so I think it's caused me to spot it in other people as well.

We all have things we want to accomplish, and there are certain people can help us accomplish those things. . .but at what point does kissing ass help? You know you're doing it. . .they know you're doing it (or if they don't, they'll realize it when you ask them for something), so who is benefiting from this? Those of you who successfully schmooze, what are your secrets? How do you stay on this side of pandering?

I'm all for giving praise and letting people know when you've heard nice things about them. . .only because we all need it, and if that's how you feel, then why keep it bottled up? BUT, I think we can all agree that there's a difference between that and saying it to get noticed.

Let me know your thoughts. Where is the line? Is it possible to get what you want without shit in your mouth and ass on your lips? I'd like to think so. . .

Also, I'm going to add a poll - if I do a live blog of the Oscars - will you read it? I think I can actually post a poll on here, so you can vote anonymously! I won't be hurt if the answer is no. . .I just want to know if it's worth my while. Thanks!

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