Sunday, November 30, 2008

15 days ago?!

I just noticed that I last posted 15 days ago. That's insane! I guess I owe you an explanation as to what I've been doing and why I haven't been posting. My days go something like this:

-Wake up
-Get annoyed by someone on the bus
-Spend a dizzying day at work trying to keep up
-Get annoyed by someone on the bus
-Make pasta for dinner
-Don't go to the gym because I have a cold/watch Biggest Loser
-Shower (yeah, I shower at night)

Throw in a trip to Columbus and Thanksgiving without a secure Wifi connection, and no blogging for me.

Anyway, I'm sitting here watching Legally Blonde for about the 30th time (seriously, I could do a 1-woman show playing each character and reciting the dialogue. . .but so can most other girls in their 20s). The real gem I'm waiting for is the "Addicted to Food" and "I Eat 33,000 Calories a Day" double feature on TLC. Can you beat that? No. You can't. It's not widely known, but TLC has the best shows (with the most direct titles) on Sunday nights. Example: "Half Ton Mom" followed by "Half Ton Dad".

Anyway, we're about to start the calamari trail at work (2 holiday parties this week alone!), so I'll post when I can!

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