Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wallowing in Self Pity

Right now, I have a mild cold. Not terrible, but just annoying. I've decided to spend the day "Getting better", which really means I'm just sitting around watching cooking shows. Oh, I went to the library too. I don't know about you, but I hate getting sick. Usually, the realization progresses as such:

(small tickle in nose or throat)

Me: Oh no, I'd better not be getting sick!

(check Zicam package. . .see it expired 2 months ago)

Me: Dammit! No magic bullet this time. Fine. Fine. I'll just drink lots of water.

(nose starts running, need Kleenex)
Me: How did this happen? I've been eating my vegetables and working out? It must be work. Damn work for making me stressed out and compromising my immune system. Damn it! And why don't I have the lotion Kleenex on-hand? When do I use Kleenex except for when I'm sick? Why the hell would I buy the kind without lotion. Great. Now I'm in for a week of nose chafing.

(wake up)
Me: What the hell is going on with my throat? What day is it? Do I need to go to work today? Do I have any sick days left? No? Dammit! How little makeup and hairstyling can I get away with today?

My other regimin usually involves soup, saltines, and Gatorade. . .although I've had none of those this time around (only a mild case. . .don't need to pull out all the stops).

As annoying as colds are. . .they're nothing compared to the flu that went around last year.

Anyway, it's time for phase 2. . .spicy food to clean out the sinuses. Awesome, right?

What is your cold routine? Any good tricks you can share?

1 comment:

trellame said...

Get one of those baby booger nasal bulbs they use on newborns. The ones with the top that comes off work best. Make up a warm salt water solution (taste it, if way too salty, add more water). Get in the shower, hold your face in the warm water for a minute or two, and then squirt the warm salt water up one nostril at a time, gently farmer-blowing after a second. It's amazing what comes outta there. You won't need cold medicine all day.