Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling Old

While Tony Horton was yelling at me to deepen my stretch during today's Yoga X workout, I was thinking about how when I had to do this stuff 10 years ago, my body actually responded. Now, it's like "Ow! Hip hurts! hip HURTS! Stop it! Oh. . .you're gonna pay for this tomorrow. . .you don't even know. . ." WTF? Since when do my hips hurt? And when did I get to the age where my body doesn't respond like it used to? And why is there no pilates x? I effing hate yoga. Especially when you put your legs over your head and then wrap your arms around so it looks like all your body parts are disembodied from one another. I have time to evaluate it like that, you see, because there was no way in hell my body was doing that, so I sat on my pink mat and observed. And because it's a home workout I didn't feel like the creepy girl in yoga class.

In other news, I love reruns and I love HGTV. . .but I never thought they'd meet:

Oh cable system, nice try luring me in.

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