Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to School

In preparation for my Fall TV Pilot Blog-o-thon, I thought I'd share the format with you. The goal is for my loyal readers (all 2 of you), to have something useful when deciding what new shows to check out. After all, crappy shows do not deserve a coveted space on your DVR schedule.

Also, to warm up (and because it's fun!), I'll be using the format to analyze pilots of old and existing TV shows (need some excuse to dust off those old DVDs!). If you have a link to a pilot of an old show that's posted online that you want me to check out, feel free to post it in the comments.

And now. . .the moment you've been waiting for. . .the 2009 Fall TV Pilot Evaluation Form.

Name of Show:


-Grumpy Old Man
-Sassy non-White Woman
-Funny fat guy
-Hot blonde wife of funny fat guy
-Quirky, far too self-aware early 20's guy/girl
-Emo Teen
-Guy you've seen in that one movie who always has a sarcastic comment
-Fallen star taking what work they can get
-Relatable guy/girl, soon to be tabloid fodder
-High-strung guy/girl whose buttons everyone enjoys pushing
(what would you add to this list?)

Basic premise:

Pilot plot:


Competing against in my DVR schedule (remember, only two slots!):

Added to schedule?:

Renewed for a 2nd season prediction:

Hey! It's _________ from _________ !

So. . .what else do you want to see? What will help you decide if it's worth watching?

Thanks! Can't wait! It's gonna be a busy September!

1 comment:

Silexia said...

How about adding to the mix
-Best friend that's attractive but not as attractive as her friend (the lead).
