Friday, August 21, 2009

Doggin' It

As part of my commitment to P90X, I have to do a workout 6 days a week. With a show on Thursday night, I've opted to have that day as my off day. So, when I have plans on Friday night, I have to get up at 5:30 to do my workout. Anybody who knows me (and don't worry blog voyeurs, you will soon. . .) knows that I am NOT a morning person. I don't even speak words for about the first half hour after I wake up. Anyway, after the show, I went to my bf's to get walked the rest of they way home and left my blackberry (read: alarm clock) at his place. So, I had to setup a comforter and sleeping bag on my floor, set my cable box to turn on at 5:23, and slept. . .poorly. The wakeup was rough. . .as was the core workout.

I did maybe 3/4 of the workout and was like "Is this worth it if I'm not at 100%?" (really, I just wanted an excuse to crawl into my comfy bed). No worries, I completed it. Tony's little comments were especially annoying when I have to wake up early to hear them. Here are some highlights:

"Tip of the day, engage. I don't mean get out and get engaged. . ." Oh, really? I thought this was a life advice video. awk-ward

"Hey banana boy!" (um. . .ew.)

"Look at that! It's Goooorrrrrrrgeous! (said like a wolf howl)

Thank goodness it's Dunkin Donuts coffee day. . .which is probably not on the P90X diet plan. Luckily I'm not following that.

1 comment:

Marla Faye said...

I'm happy your are Bringin' it. Keep going. Tomorrow is day 40 for me. My abs are looking decent as are yours I am sure! Love the video clips from YouTube by the way. Horton is a freak. I had matzo ball soup tonight and the only thing I could think of was Karen Potstirers. I think I am becoming the freak now.