Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"Here he is folks, the leader of the plaque!""

Should I be concerned that whenever I go to the dentist, songs from Little Shop of Horrors run through my head?

For longer than I'm willing to admit, I've had this root canal that needs to be redone (root canal = fun! 2 = so much fun!). I went to the endodontist today for my consultation (side note: I like saying "endodontist"). Well, turns out my time with him would be short-lived, and I would learn another fun word: periodontist. He enters the room saying "I'm going to yell at you." Sweet. Bring it on. Better now than when you're poking my open mouth with sharp things. Luckily, his version of yelling and my version are verrrrryyyy different. They can't do the root canal because I waited too long, so now they have to extract the tooth and give me an implant. Explain to me again why he needs to "yell" at me? Maybe he should yell "Yippee!! 4 grand in my pocket! Whooooo!! Thanks for waiting sucka!!"

After hearing in graphic detail what he would need to do and the possibility that I would need to be sedated if I got to squirmy during the procedure (sedated?!), I got to meet with another woman: The Director of Oral Surgery Role Play. She has a ton of plastic models and shows you exactly what they do with metal rods and stuff. . .and the price tag. So not excited about that part.

Then I got shipped off to the reception area where I learned all about how much my insurance would cover (answer: next to none of it).

I also learned that once this is taken care of, I'll have a ton more energy. So, lookout world!

They're standing tall on the wings of their dreams.

1 comment:

trellame said...

I love you. You're funny.