Monday, October 20, 2008

Blogiatus and Another Maureen

Where have I been? Where?

Family in town for about a week and a half, but I'm back! Ready to blog all about the crazy world we live in. I have about 3 shows on my DVR to review for you. . .even if they're old news to you by now.

I have been productive in my non-blogging time, however. I met one of the heroes of my youth. . .Marcia Brady. . .or rather Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady is still 17, technically. . .or whatever age she was when the 90's series "The Bradys" aired). Now, just a little bit of background. Every day when I came home from school, I'd watch The Brady Bunch at 4:35pm on TBS. I made my mom do my hair like Cindy in 4th grade (just for a day), and I wrote TBS a letter when they took The Brady Bunch out of their rotation. I've seen every episode more times than I care to count, and I've read probably 3-4 books about the show. I'm a fan. . .and have been for about 20 years.

Anyway, Maureen McCormick was at the Borders on Mich Ave and possibly the most interesting (read: nerdy and way too eager to spill any tv trivia they know) group of people waited in line with me. Anyway, I felt like a huge creepy dork as I approached her. The exchange (mostly me saying weird things to her) went as follows:

Me: My name is Maureen too
Her: All right!
Me: You were the first Maureen I ever saw on tv - I never knew someone with my name
Her: Awww
Me: I finished the book. Uh. . .it was really good!
Her: Already? Wow!
My mom: Yours was the only show we'd let her watch

Ok, that last statement totally wasn't true. I mean, she said it, but it wasn't true. I don't really know why she said that. I didn't even get to ask her if Bobby Brown actually fixed the tub during Outsiders Inn, if she still keeps in touch with Screech, or how she really feels about Adrian Curry. Argh.

Anyway, I did read her book and it is pretty interesting. You should pick it up. Not a lot about the Brady years, but honestly, the time afterwards was the most interesting - and she's going through some family drama right now that sounds just insane.

Me. . .creeping out a Brady.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1) You are way too excited for a 27 year old meeting Marcia.

2) Why did shows on TBS always start at :05 and :35? I never undertsood that.