Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Eating hummus with a spoon

Still at work. . .should be entering in my hours, but the system crashed, so I'm blogging while I wait for creative to give me another look at a project. I was hungry way before 5, so now I'm uber hungry, can't leave, and resorted to looking through my lunch leftovers for something satiating. Found a little bit of hummus. With no pita nearby I just grabbed a spoon and went to town. Now I'm slightly less hungry. slightly.

Entering in my hours is probably my least favorite part of the ad biz. I basically have to account for everything I did in a day in 15 minute increments. Can you do that? It's not fun. (there's no code for blogging). I typically do them monthly, so I have to rely on my day planner and emails to piece it together. Well, last week I was on Neptune, because I ended up entering Thursday's time in Tuesday's page in my dayplanner, Wednesday in Thursday's, and Tuesday's in Wednesday. I didn't realize it until Tuesday's time was entered and saved in the system. . .and once I do that, I can't go back and edit it. blerg.

Why do I feel like I'm in a race with other people on the sidewalk? I'm like "Oh yeah, motherf-er. . .we'll see who gets to the other side first. . .we'll just see."

Have you ever noticed that people running to the bus look like toddlers?

GTAIV update - caught Darden. Stole a garbage truck and drove it on the cement railing of one of the highways for a good 2 minutes. awesome.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First! (sorry, never done it before but had to try it once... being first is actually somewhat exciting)