Friday, July 25, 2008

Trouble with the Internets

Been having some issues getting free wireless at home. grrr. Anyway, I've been meaning to post but have been held back as a result.

Anyway, I'm on the bus yesterday and it's pretty empty. . .just a few people standing (which during rush hour is a small miracle!). I'm on a bus that has the back section elevated. I'm sitting in the aisle seat right behind the back door. Some chick gets on with her two coworkers and wraps herself around the pole in such a way that her coach purse managed to continually hit my leg and foot. Anyway, armed with my Blackberry, I managed to get a photo of this offense. I decided to cross my leg to (oops!) kick her purse, which got her attention. The kicker is that they didn't have to crowd around the door - there was plenty of room! This picture was taken after she moved her bag slightly. Imagine it mostly on the right side of that yellow bar. boo. moron.

Exhibit A in the case of Coach purse vs. my shoe.

Also, I have 2 new obsessions. I've rediscovered Dragnet. It's amazing, yet kinda boring. I loved it at age 10 and it still captivates me. Half of it is them reading lists and yet. . .greatness! I also love seeing LA in the '60s. Secondly, Grand Theft Auto IV. You can steal garbage trucks! And you don't have to smell them.

Some of you have figured out the hidden thing I mentioned last blog. Great job!

Ok, gotta get back to work. . .just didn't want to neglect my 4 readers!


Unknown said...

btw, I'd never hug the alien leader. what if he's all sticky and grosslike?

Maureen Winston said...

That's the best part of hugging an alien leader! Mmm. goo.