Monday, November 30, 2009

Mix and Mingle with the Jinglin' Beat (T-22 days)

Today's event: Pam's Going Away Drinks #1

First day back at work, and everything is moving a little more slowly. My body, my brain, everything. Did you ever notice though, that on the first day back from a vacation, people are kind of in a crappy mood. It's like "Yeah, none of us really want to be here today. We want to be in our jammies, watching football, eating cold stuffing, but that's not in the cards."

I also caught myself fantasizing about sweet potato casserole today. To the point where I was contemplating making it and wondering how long it lasts. Goddamn it's delicious though. So I can relate to not being over that it's not Thanksgiving anymore. Let's just be nice to each other though, k?

As part of my coworker Pam's sendoff, we're going to all of her favorite eating establishments. Today: Wow Bao. They have this amazing Thai Herb Broth. So tasty. That and banana bao, and we have ourselves a meal.

Anyway, today's event was the first of two going away parties for Pam. We spent about 15 minutes trying to figure out where to go as well as Mananya and I trying to determine if the new Whole Foods is within an acceptable range so that we could get some kombucha, wine, beer, and samples! (it's not).

We ended up going to Reagle Beagle (based on the bar from Three's Company). It's really red and kitschy in there. Since all these holiday events add up, I'm trying not to drink very much, so I don't end up 800 lbs. So, club soda, you and me will be friends. The waitress kinda kicked ass at refilling it and then didn't charge us. Pretty awesome.

Crappy blackberry pic of Mananya and Pam. See how red it is in there?

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