Friday, August 22, 2008

Push #2 for uh. . .yeah.

Last week I saw The Dark Night at Navy Pier IMAX with my coworkers. Side note: awesome! Anyway, I saw something I had never seen before. I'm not sure at what point you cross the line from being Green into just being kinda creepy, but this was close. So much so that I stood in the stall and watched and contemplated this sign for a bit:

Just in case you can't read the bottom copy, it basically talks about how if you don't push a button, it will just time how long you've been sitting on the shitter and will use the appropriate amount of water to flush down your bidness. What if I'm a slow peer? What if I'm on Alli and can barely make it to the bathroom, so everything comes out in one fall swoop? Also, since when is poop symbolized by three water droplets? I want to see a log on the photo. Or a pic of Mr. Hankey.

Does this mean the demise of the not-so-green but oh-so-sanitary automatic plastic seat covers? Because those things are amazing. I used to go to the bathroom at Saks in my local mall just to use those.

Basically folks, big brother is watching! Potty wisely.

1 comment:

todayistheday said...

Not to be too graphic - but there are a number of things that someone could do in a bathroom stall that would require more detail and/or options in this flushing equation.

What about the fellow who sits all broken-hearted?

Ahh, toilet humor.