Monday, April 27, 2009

Have you missed me? I've missed you. . .

Hello all! So much to talk about!

1) TV Show Reco: Southland. It's actually kinda good. There's a lot to follow (about 4 or so storylines per ep), but 2 of them are usually pretty compelling, which is a good enough hit rate for me. I also like to see Ben McKenzie playing a rich kid working on the wrong side of the tracks as opposed to the kid from the wrong side of the tracks living as a rich kid, which he played on The OC. He has mastered the slow seething "Don't mess with me!" turn and get up move. In all seriousness, he's a good actor. . .hopefully he'll do something that takes place somewhere other than SoCal that doesn't involve tracks for his next project.

2) When is there gonna be an OC movie? I miss it. Maybe I'll just put in my Season 1 DVDs.

3) Those of you who read the fall tv reviews may remember that I liked Priviliged. Well. . .they're rerunning it this summer. Jump on the bandwagon, the wood planks feel fine! It's a fun show. If you're a girl, there's fun girly romantic things. If you're a guy, there's lots of boob.

4) I'm on Twitter! Follow me! Related, I'm amazed at the people who find me who I don't know. Should I be creeped out? I'm deciding to go with it for now.

5) I'm in a show! I've finally graduated from iO, so we have a show for 8 weeks. You already missed the first one. . .jerk! Anyway, it's Sunday nights at 7 until mid-Juneish. iO Chicago. You can get tix at the door or at

6) It rains every day in Chicago. Seriously. Every. F-ing. Day. At least I don't have to feel bad about taking long showers. Mother Nature pisses on me, I piss on it.*

*I don't actually pee in the shower. That's gross.

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